

The call for submissions of our inaugural print issue is now closed. Until the call for our subsequent issue, you can continue to submit your work to our digital publication. Otherwise, consider submitting work to yolk's newest series "In-Transit".

In nature, you will seldom come upon an object with no discernible beginning or end. For its inaugural issue, yolk proposes the theme of CIRCLES. While the website features works of all genres (i.e. poetry, prose, non-fiction, and visual arts), note that only a few select works of non-fiction will appear in the print issue.

Direct all submissions to:

The submission period for our first issue is Jan 15 - Mar 15. Though submissions for our bi-annual print issue are only accepted during the submission period, we always accept submissions for our digital publication. In the subject line, include the genre of your submission and indicate if you would like your work considered for our website publication (i.e. Poetry_Website). Note that all submissions received during the submission period will automatically be considered for print.



Fiction & Poetry

· For works of prose, do not submit more than two stories; neither should exceed 4000 words.
· For works of poetry, submit a maximum of three poems (or six pages).
· Submit your work in .docx or .doc format.

Fiction — do not submit more than two works; neither should exceed 4000 words. We will only review self-contained works.
Poetry — submit a maximum of three poems. Your submission cannot exceed six pages.

Submit all work in .docx or .doc format.



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For our digital publication, consider the following prompts as inspiration for your next submission. Do not submit more than two works; neither should exceed 4000 words. Submit all
work in .docx or .doc format.

Opinion Pieces +

What’s been irkin’ ya lately? Anything you need to get off your chest and can't afford therapy? We recommend the cathartic practice of evacuating your sentiments through the art of writing. Spare your entourage the earache, submit to yolk.

Creative Non-Fiction +

If you've ever uttered the words: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," you may be in possession of a dormant work of non-fiction.
Are you often dissatisfied with 'the real world'? This is your opportunity to transform things as they are and to present them as they could be. We expect submissions to be creative, and presented as artistic narratives rather than encyclopedic expositions.

Biography +

Do you want to introduce your favourite, obscure Victorian-era author? Is there a punk-rocker from the 70s that you reckon everyone should know about? As long as you conduct your research and write convincingly, yolk maintains that every individual deserves their 3000 words of fame.

Reviews +

Featured Features: The most memorable films are those you’re left contemplating the following morning. Which film has marked you that way? Why exactly were you thinking about it the next day?
Not Top-40s: We're intent on showcasing the foremost ear-worms and soundscapes. Regardless of the project's release date, provenance of the artist, or musical genre, let us hear what you hear.
Book Club: It ain't quite Oprah's, but if a piece of literature consumed you so that you missed your stop on public transit, go full grade seven book-report, with a pinch of literary mastery, and tell us why.


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Visual Arts

· Note that our scope of acceptance for this genre covers all forms of visual art, i.e. photographs, videos, illustrations, paintings, drawings, etc.
· Keep all video submissions under three minutes.
· For all other forms of visual art, submit no more than 10 pieces per submission in .JPEG format. Please include the title of the work in the file name.
· Submit work as an attachment, and include a brief description of its intention in the body of the

· This genre covers all forms of visual art, i.e. photographs, videos, illustrations, paintings, drawings, etc.
· Keep all video submissions under three minutes. For all other forms of visual art, submit no more than 10 pieces per submission in .JPEG.
· Submit the work as an attachment; provide a title and a brief description of the work's intention.

· The scope of acceptance for this genre covers photography, illustrations, multimedia, paintings, and drawings.
· For all forms of visual art, submit no more than 10 pieces.
· Provide a brief description of the work's intentio with your submission.
· Should you be uncertain about placing your work in this category, do not hesitate to inquire.



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In nature, you will seldom come upon an object with no discernible beginning or end. For its inaugural issue, yolk proposes the theme of CIRCLES. While the website features works of all genres (i.e. poetry, prose, non-fiction, and visual arts), note that only a few select works of non-fiction will appear in the print issue.

Direct all submissions to:

The submission period for our first issue is Jan 15 - Mar 15. Though submissions for our bi-annual print issue are only accepted during the submission period, we always accept submissions for our digital publication. In the subject line, include the genre of your submission and indicate if you would like your work considered for our website publication (i.e. Poetry_Website). Note that all submissions received during the submission period will automatically be considered for print.

For all submissions, consider the following:

·  While we accept simultaneous submissions, please notify us immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere.
·  While yolk requires first serial rights and the right to archive your work on the website, copyright reverts to the author upon publication. Work that has been accepted by yolk should not appear elsewhere for a period of 60 days subsequent to publication. Yolk does not accept any reprints or any work that has previously appeared online (including personal blogs).
·  Please do not inquire about the status of your submission. Each submission will be carefully reviewed by our editorial committee and you will receive a response within three months.
·  Though it is our ambition, yolk presently does not compensate its contributors. However, should your submission be selected for our print issue, you will receive a complimentary copy of the magazine.  
·   Yolk asks that its contributors refrain from submitting more that once per submission period.
·   As our primary interest lies in the quality of your work, yolk does not require bios or publication histories.  
·   Stylistic notes: For all written works, please use legible font and 1.5 line spacing. Though we are especially fond of Garamond, point 12, we do not discriminate against other styles. Should you be compelled to justify your text, do so knowing that you will be choosing a side in a tireless internal dispute at yolk.

In nature, you will seldom come upon an object with no discernible beginning or end. For its inaugural issue, Yolk proposes the theme of CIRCLES.

Direct all submissions to:  

The submission period for our first issue is Jan 15 - Mar 15. Though submissions for our bi-annual print issue are only accepted during the submission period, we always accept submissions for our digital publication. In the subject line, include the genre of your submission and indicate if you would like your work considered for our website publication (i.e. Poetry_Website). While the website features works of all genres, note that only a few select works of non-fiction will appear in the print edition of the inaugural issue released in June 2020.

For all submissions, consider the following:

·  While we accept multiple submissions, please notify us immediately should your work be accepted elsewhere.
·  We do not accept previously published material.
·  Please do not inquire about the status of your submission. Each submission will be carefully reviewed by our editorial committee and you will receive a response within three months.  
·  Though it is our ambition, Yolk presently does not compensate its contributors. However, should your submission be selected for our print issue, you will receive a complimentary copy of the magazine.  
·   As our primary interest lies in the quality of your work, Yolk does not require bios or publication histories.  
·   Stylistic notes: For all written works, please use legible font and 1.5 line spacing. Though we are especially fond of Garamond, point 12, we do not discriminate against other styles. Should you be compelled to justify your text, do so knowing that you will be choosing a side in a tireless internal dispute at Yolk.

·   For works of prose, submit a maximum of 2500 words. We will review only complete, self-contained works.
·   For works of poetry, submit a maximum of three poems (or six pages).

For visual art, submit only high-resolution material. Note that our scope of acceptance for this genre covers all forms of visual art, i.e. photographs, video, design, etc. Keep all video submissions under 5 minutes. If you are uncertain about placing a particular work in our journal, do not hesitate to inquire.  

For works of non-fiction, submit a maximum of 1500 words. For further details and specific requirements concerning non-fiction submissions, consult our digital publication page.

Prose & Poetry

·   For works of prose, submit up to two stories with a maximum of 3500 words each. We will review only complete, self-contained works.
·   For works of poetry, submit a maximum of three poems (or six pages).
·   Please submit your work in either .doc, .docx, or PDF files.

Visual Arts

·   Note that our scope of acceptance for this genre covers all forms of visual art, i.e. photographs, videos, illustrations, paintings, drawings, etc.
·   Keep all video submissions under 3 minutes. For all other forms of visual art, submit no more than 10 pieces per submission in .JPEG format.
·   Include the title of your work in the body of the e-mail with a brief description of the work's intention.
·   If you are uncertain about placing a particular work in our journal, do not hesitate to inquire.  


·   For works of non-fiction, submit a maximum of 1500 words.
·   Please submit your work in either .doc, .docx, or PDF files.
·   For further details and specific requirements concerning non-fiction submissions, consult our digital publication page.