yolk x Atelier Galerie 2112

Come to yolk x Atelier Galerie 2112’s four-day arts exhibition from December 8 to 12, 2021! Experience performance art, the launch of yolk’s third volume, type-written poetry, open mics, and more—all centered around the theme of refractions. Detailed calendar forthcoming. Exhibition will be open all day, with intermittent performances throughout and events each night. Drinks will be sold. Masks are required. Voluntary donations accepted at the door.

Call for Visual Arts: Refraction

Refraction is defined as “the change in direction of a wave passing from one medium to another.” We are looking for visual art thatexplores, literally or metaphorically, the theme of refraction. While all forms of visual arts are considered, we do encourage you to experiment and bend our understanding of the theme! Should your work be selected, it will be exhibited at Atelier Galerie 2112 from December 8 to 12, 2021.

We are also accepting pitches for theme-inspired performance art. Selected pieces of performance art will be scheduled at different times throughout the four-day exhibition.

The deadline to submit your work is November 9th, 2021.

To Submit

Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any questions, yolkx2112@gmail.com